Maracy Domingues Alves

  • Formação Acadêmica:  Mestre em Psicologia Social, FGV, 1990
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    Professor Agregado

    PhD in Psychology (PUC Rio). Bachelor in Psychology (Catholic University of Santos), Specialist in Social Psychology (PUC-Pr) and Masters degree in Social Psychology and Personality (Fundação Getúlio Vargas - RJ). Studied Doctorate in Social Psychology of Organizations at the Higher Institute of Labor and Enterprise Sciences - ISCTE of the University of Lisbon. Certified Lean Six Sigma in the Green Belt degree. Adjunct Professor II, Department of Psychology, PUC-Rio, member of the General Committee of the Department of Psychology. Adjunct Coordinator and member of the Academic Committee of Graduation (NDE), of the Psychology course of PUC Rio. Professor of the Psychology course at the Catholic University of Petrópolis - UCP. Lead researcher of a health program (PET Saúde) from the Ministry of Health, responsible for the project Analysis of Human Work and Indicators of Penosity. Consultant in Human and Organizational Development. Professor responsible for creating content and guiding group of professors in the discipline Leadership and School Management, in the Professional Master in School Management, for the EAD (Long Distance Education) course for managers of Basic Education (UFJF). Received an award for the SINAES Project through the Estácio Group of Universities (Estácio Participações).