Postgraduate Program

pos2The Postgraduate Program in Psychology at PUC-Rio has a solid tradition of pioneering and excellence in the context of training stricto sensu. Our Master’s program was established in 1966 and the country's first in the area of Psychology. Our Doctoral program was introduced in 1985, seeking to develop cutting-edge research on key topics for the scientific community and society, especially in the field of Clinical Psychology. Recognition by the community has been extremely favorable. Both programs have experienced significant interest from applicants, and the demand has grown every selection process. Since 2013, the Department of Psychology at PUC-Rio has gone through an extensive process of renewal of its faculty members. Among the faculty members of the Postgraduate Program in Clinical Psychology, five retired and six joined. The faculty renewal process has been carefully planned and carried out via public selection. It has remained our concern to preserve the program’s area of concentration, Clinical Psychology.

Clinical Psychology is fundamental to the field of psychology, the improvement of which depends on both basic and applied research. The turnover of faculty members during this period has resulted in a gradual redefinition of research lines that seek to promote better integration among lecturers, encourage new national and international institutional exchanges, and increase individual intellectual production and partnerships. Because of the change in faculty members and to meet educational demands, including research and social inclusion, there was a need to review our existing research lines.